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Estate Planning Strategies

Jul 24, 2019

Instagram answer! Can you switch out a note for assets in a decedents trust?


We do estate planning. We do probate. And we do it well.

Our firm rests on three core pillars:

1. Family protection
2. Elimination of barriers to entry (we make it...

Jul 10, 2019

5 ways to avoid probate that don’t include a trust...


We do estate planning. We do probate. And we do it well.

Our firm rests on three core pillars:

1. Family protection
2. Elimination of barriers to entry (we make it easy for you)
3. Estate tax...

Jul 9, 2019

What happens if you don’t have a will?


We do estate planning. We do probate. And we do it well.

Our firm rests on three core pillars:

1. Family protection
2. Elimination of barriers to entry (we make it easy for you)
3. Estate tax...

Jul 1, 2019

A tragic story and lessons learned...


We do estate planning. We do probate. And we do it well.

Our firm rests on three core pillars:

1. Family protection
2. Elimination of barriers to entry (we make it easy for you)
3. Estate tax...