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Estate Planning Strategies

Mar 31, 2023

Leaving money to friends or family for your kids is a terrible idea.

If you have questions about this or anything else related to probate, and you want to talk with us, over the phone, for free, just go to and set up a time to chat.

#estateplanningattorney #probatelawyer #family #money...

Mar 24, 2023

How to avoid capital gains tax?

If you have questions about this or anything else related to probate, and you want to talk with us, over the phone, for free, just go to and set up a time to chat.

#estateplanningattorney #probatelawyer #family #money #medicaid #estatetaxes #wealth #kids #taxes...

Mar 23, 2023

The wrong way to make estate plan changes.

If you have questions about this or anything else related to probate, and you want to talk with us, over the phone, for free, just go to and set up a time to chat.

#estateplanningattorney #probatelawyer #family #money #medicaid #estatetaxes #wealth...

Mar 22, 2023

Should you put your car in your revocable trust?

If you have questions about this or anything else related to probate, and you want to talk with us, over the phone, for free, just go to and set up a time to chat.

#estateplanningattorney #probatelawyer #family #money #medicaid #estatetaxes...

Mar 21, 2023

The perfect trust distribution schedule for kids.

If you have questions about this or anything else related to probate, and you want to talk with us, over the phone, for free, just go to and set up a time to chat.

#estateplanningattorney #probatelawyer #family #money #medicaid #estatetaxes...