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Estate Planning Strategies

Sep 29, 2023

Where I go for legal advice.

At CMS Law Firm we do estate planning, we do it well, and we’d love to talk to you about how you can protect your family, protect yourself, and protect your money.

Good news for you is, that’s easy to do. Just click the link and set up a time for your free strategy session...

Sep 28, 2023

When a parent dies with real estate, is probate required?

At CMS Law Firm we do estate planning, we do it well, and we’d love to talk to you about how you can protect your family, protect yourself, and protect your money.

Good news for you is, that’s easy to do. Just click the link and set up a time for your free...

Sep 27, 2023

Why am I talking so fast all the time?

At CMS Law Firm we do estate planning, we do it well, and we’d love to talk to you about how you can protect your family, protect yourself, and protect your money.

Good news for you is, that’s easy to do. Just click the link and set up a time for your free strategy session...

Sep 26, 2023

Is there annual maintenance when you have a trust?

At CMS Law Firm we do estate planning, we do it well, and we’d love to talk to you about how you can protect your family, protect yourself, and protect your money.

Good news for you is, that’s easy to do. Just click the link and set up a time for your free...

Sep 25, 2023

Is it normal for probate to last 3 years?

At CMS Law Firm we do estate planning, we do it well, and we’d love to talk to you about how you can protect your family, protect yourself, and protect your money.

Good news for you is, that’s easy to do. Just click the link and set up a time for your free strategy session...