Sep 27, 2019
I don’t know everything...
We do estate planning. We do probate. And we do it well.
Our firm rests on three core pillars:
1. Family protection
2. Elimination of barriers to entry (we make it easy for you)
3. Estate tax reduction/elimination
Sep 26, 2019
Why we do all of this.
We do estate planning. We do probate. And we do it well.
Our firm rests on three core pillars:
1. Family protection
2. Elimination of barriers to entry (we make it easy for you)
3. Estate tax reduction/elimination
If you need...
Sep 25, 2019
How to give gifts to people you don’t trust with the gift?
We do estate planning. We do probate. And we do it well.
Our firm rests on three core pillars:
1. Family protection
2. Elimination of barriers to entry (we make it easy for you)
3. Estate...
Sep 24, 2019
Estate planning is NOT death planning.
ARE YOU A LAW FIRM OWNER? Me too. I work 25 hours a week and make
multiple six figures. I don’t have any headaches. No fires. No
grumpy clients. Work is FUN.
If you want an inside look at how I do it, for...
Sep 23, 2019
Should you update old beneficiary designations?
ARE YOU A LAW FIRM OWNER? Me too. I work 25 hours a week and make
multiple six figures. I don’t have any headaches. No fires. No
grumpy clients. Work is FUN.
If you want an inside look at how I do it,...